Wednesday, 4 May 2016


Alexandria's hidden gem....

Steering away from the typical posts about how amazing 'The Grounds of Alexandria' is, if you're new in Sydney, been living here for a while, or even your whole life, John Smith Cafe is an amazing breakfast, brunch, lunch destination for you and your friends/family to visit.

Offering colourful and creative dishes and excellent coffee, John Smith Cafe is located at:
1 John Street, Alexandria, Sydney (of course!)

On my last visit here, I ordered the 'Pearl cous cous, sweet potato, goats cheese, wild rocket & cranberry' salad with added grilled chicken.
Pictured below:

Photographed by: Samantha Vuong

This salad would suit all sorts of foodies out there. If you're going for a light, fresh meal, don't add the grilled chicken. If you're after a dish thats just a bit more hearty, add the chicken.

A stand out ingredient in this dish was the cranberries. It gave each mouthful a refreshing sweetness the salad needed against the bitter rocket leaves.

I also ordered a soy chai latte which was unique in itself. It is just a bit more spicy than the usual, which I didn't mind one bit! If you're not a fan of ginger, maybe a simple latte will be more suited for you.

As I said in the beginning, if you haven't been to John Smith Cafe, GO! If you've already been, GO AGAIN!

- Samantha

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